What Legacy will you leave?

I was taking my children for a walk and a lady saw us and asked if we would like some rhubarb. I said, “Sure, that would be wonderful!” She was happy to give it to us and we were grateful for her kind gesture.  I told her “My husband loves strawberry rhubarb pie however, I didn’t have a good recipe for it but I will do my best.”

The next year we strolled by and my children remembered the house.  Again the lady was out and she blessed us with rhubarb.  This time she had a recipe for strawberry rhubarb pie.  She said, “This is a wonderful recipe and I hoped our family would enjoy it.”  She had it typed out for us and signed it Doris with a happy face. The recipe is delicious and we still use it today.

The following year we strolled by and Doris saw us and asked if we would like some rhubarb.  Of course we said, “We would love some.”  She proceeded to take us to her garden.  Then she asked if we would like the plants.  I was floored.  I said, “Are you sure?” She said, “Yes, I am getting older and don’t want to maintain a garden any more.  I would love for you to have them.” 

We came back with a wagon, she helped us put the plants in it and we brought them home.  I asked her if they take special care.  She said, “Plant them in the ground and the next year or so you should be able to have your own rhubarb.”  So we went home and planted the rhubarb along the house.  We were so blessed by her generosity and kindness.

We have had that rhubarb for many years now and it still blesses our family and whoever we give it to.  We still use the recipe she gave us which is marked with rhubarb stains and well loved. I love that she signed it. It reminds me of her and her kindness each time I bake a pie.

In the meantime, Doris’s home had a fire and then she was placed in a nursing home by her family where she eventually went to be with the Lord. She probably will never know how much she has blessed our family for many years with the simple gesture of giving us rhubarb and a recipe for pie that has become a family tradition for us to have every summer. We also love to share the pie and rhubarb with others.

It is amazing how God can take a simple gesture and multiply it to bless many.  Even if we don’t know how it may affect other peoples lives.  Doris has impacted many by a simple gesture of generosity.

What gesture can you do that may impact lives?  Doris has shown us that it doesn’t have to be monumental. It also brought her so much joy to her heart to be blessing us and it brought us joy to receive it. This is an added benefit of generosity.

How do we make this more intentional in our lives? I believe we need to take the time to listen to others, be aware of our surroundings and peoples needs, and obey that quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. Then we have to be obedient to what the Lord is asking us to do. I know I need to work on this more myself. I have friends who I consider so good at this. I am so grateful for them in my life! These are the kind of friends you want to have because they are a blessing and inspire you to be a better person.

What do you have that can be a blessing to others? Some examples may be food, recipes, skills, gifts, money, or time. It could be paying for someone’s groceries or opening a door with a smile for someone who may be having a bad day. It could be sewing a quilt, painting a room, or bringing a meal to someone. It may seem little to you, but the ripple effect of what may seem a simple gesture could impact someone’s life or family in ways you may never fully see and they will remember your thoughtfulness.

What legacy will you leave? What lives will you impact? How do you want to be remembered? Even though Doris isn’t with us a part of her lives on in our family. What does the Lord put on your heart to leave for people that may bless them now and potentially for years to come?



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