The Box – The Lord is faithful in all He does

It is good to have goals. They give us motivation and direction. They give us a sense of accomplishment when attained and improve our lives. However, sometimes it is a good idea to reevaluate them. Especially, if these goals were made a long time ago. They may become more of a hindrance than a help and the Lord may have other plans than what you had in mind.

For example, I had a list of vacation goals that I had written when the children were very little and I placed them on a pin up board in our laundry room. I wanted to do them with the family before our children grew up.  It is good to have goals right?

As the years went by and our lives got busy, I would see that list when I was doing laundry.  After a while, instead of encouraging and motivating me I started to feel discouraged. It started to bother me that we weren’t planning or getting to these for one reason or another and the kids were growing up so fast. But then I would go on with the day.

Then I found I was starting to get discontent in other things as well and I couldn’t figure out why. I was getting frustrated with more things in my everyday life than I should be. 

So I asked myself and the Lord, why I was discontent and frustrated.  I should be happy. I am blessed, healthy, good marriage, and am home with my children.  Then God showed me that I was frustrated because I wasn’t achieving the dream list I made years ago.  It was draining my spirit each time I went into the laundry room and saw it.  Then that underlying frustration would slowly affect my day and how I reacted to everything and everyone. 

So that day I had enough.  I knew something had to change. 

I went into the laundry room and took down that list of destinations. I went to my bedroom, closed the door, found a box, and I put the list in the box.  I said “Lord I give this to you.  I am letting go.  I need to find contentment in my everyday, enjoy life, and be thankful for what I have, not be discontent in what I don’t have.”

I prayed over the box, “Your will be done” and gave what I thought my plans were to be to the Lord. Then I put the box away somewhere.  At this point I don’t even know where it is. 

Afterwards, a peace came over me and I found freedom in letting that go and casting it on the Lord.   I found contentment and joy being with my husband, my children, and in my endeavors. I didn’t worry about future vacations but could be present where I was at. It may seem like a simple thing to put a list in a box, but it was a very tangible moment for me when I decided to trust God with my future in an area I was trying to control.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

Our God is faithful and truly amazing.  After I let go and gave it to the Lord, opportunities started coming, we could afford them, and we found time.  Our friends and family invited us on trips with them. We have gone to St. Lucia, Florida, Washington D.C., Italy, North Carolina, and the Smokey Mountains. We now have an annual trip with our now adult family to a cottage each summer for a week.  It’s a wonderful peaceful getaway for us all.

The eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things whig God has prepared for those who love Him.” I Cor 2:9

When you put your life in the Lord’s hands, He is faithful to fulfill his plans.  I found by my own experience how God’s plan is so much better than my own. So If you are feeling frustrated or discontent ask God why?  Are you hanging on to something He wants you to let go of and to trust him? By trusting the Lord, he can give you peace beyond understanding. Enjoy and be faithful with the everyday blessings he has given you. He will fill in the rest in his perfect timing. He knows the desires of your heart. Over and over again He shows me his faithfulness!


Cheryl Bippus 

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