Create Peace in your Home

I have had people come over and say “Wow, your home is so quiet.”
I guess their homes are not so much. Which may be how they like it.
Personally, I like a quiet home. I can focus so much more with peace and quiet. My children focus better with peace and quiet. Not that we don’t have a good time. We laugh, play games, have friends over. But I don’t have the television on during the day. I don’t feel the need for noise constantly. I want to be able to hear the Lord, hear my thoughts, hear my husband, hear my children. I focus better without a lot of noise in my life.
Yes, there are times when I want to hear music, like when I am washing dishes, folding clothes, or when I am home by myself to exercise or dance. Sometimes I have my air pods in or not and let the music play. We get together in the evenings and watch television. But overall during the day it is pretty quiet. One of the favorite things my children like to do is read. Which is a quiet activity, yet I know their minds are filled with adventure and yes they are doing school during the day.
But I find there is so much noise in the world and so much busyness. I like my home to be one of peace. One of my favorite activities is to go for a walk. Either with my husband or children to talk, or in the woods, wide open spaces, or by the water. I love listening to the birds, the waves, the leaves rustling in the trees. Enjoying God’s creation.
When you are making a lot of noise or running from here to there, it is hard to listen. I find it draining. Make time in your day for peace and quiet. Make time to listen to God, the people around you, the world you are in.
Yes, my home is quiet, even with three teenagers and I like it that way. We know we are there for each other. We try to listen and discern each others needs and be there to help each other. We sit and talk and enjoy each others company. We have no problem sitting in the quiet peacefulness of our surroundings. I have learned to create a more peaceful home by having less stuff to worry about, less obligations to do, less noise in my life, and make time to enjoy peace in my home enjoying the things I love, like reading, gardening, walking, being with my family, and sitting and talking with my friends.
The choices in our lives, create the world we call our home. What choices can you make to create the home you want? I don’t believe God wants us to do everything or have everything. Pray about what He wants in your life. Discern what is right for your family. Create a calendar that gives you peace and joy, not stress. Yes, you can reschedule things to make your day flow better and sometimes you may have to say no. It is okay. I am not a morning person, so I have learned to schedule things in the afternoon. Do what works best for you.
Everyone is different. God created us unique in our own way. Some families like a lot of excitement and activity. If so, go for it. For me, I have let a lot of things go, and kept what is important to me, so I could create peace in my home. I am so grateful and enjoy my home and family. What will it take to create the home you want? With God’s guidance and prayer, especially since He knows the desires of your heart, make yours your own.
God Bless you
Cheryl Bippus
P.S. Check out these tickless clocks I discovered. So wonderful when you are trying to read or pray and want peace and quiet.

This in one of my favorites! Have you ever tried to concentrate, write, read, pray, or sleep and all you can hear is the tick tock of the clock. Tick Tock! Tick Tock! I know it may not bother some, but I need quiet to concentrate. This was a simple find that I love and want to share with you. I put these clocks in my home and the peace and quiet is lovely. I was skeptical, but they really are silent. If you like quiet, you will enjoy the simple solution of a non ticking clock. includes affiliate links. By clicking on them or purchasing recommended items we may receive a small compensation at no additional cost to you. We only recommend products we love. For more information see our disclosure and TOS policy.