Category: Parenting

New Baby? What can you do early to prevent meltdowns later?

There are a few things if you start early with your baby they will be easier to deal with than if you wait until the toddler years. So lets get right into it… Pacifiers – Yes, use pacifiers. The baby loves them and they are a godsend. However, if...

The Importance of Putting Your Marriage in a “Time Out”

As a stay at home mom I have had plenty of occasions to put my children in a time out for bad behavior. But sometimes you and your spouse need a time out so you can reconnect. To remind you of the simple pleasures of being alone together to...

Seven ways to Refresh and Rejuvenate for Mom’s

Hey moms, we all have had days where we need to refresh.  Let’s face it we work 24/7.   We get tired, drained, and cranky if we don’t take care of ourselves.  Husband’s this may help for some great ideas for Mother’s day or birthdays.  Hint Hint… Moms please find...

A Fast and Easy Homeschool Transcript Service That You Will Love!

First of all, what is a homeschool transcript and why do we need to have one? Basically, a homeschool transcript takes all the hard work your teen has done over their high school years and concisely puts these accomplishments on an official document for College Admissions offices and others. ...

Create Peace in your Home

I have had people come over and say “Wow, your home is so quiet.” I guess their homes are not so much.  Which may be how they like it. Personally, I like a quiet home. I can focus so much more with peace and quiet.  My children focus better...

Pure Moments Poems and Short Stories from a Woman’s Heart – press release

Press Release 2017 Author Cheryl Bippus’s new book “Pure Moments: Poems and short stories from a woman’s heart” is a beautiful reminder to slow down and notice the moments in life that are most precious. Recent release “Pure Moments: Poems and short stories from a woman’s heart” from Covenant...

Saxon Math: 6 Ways to Motivate and Help your Child Complete Their Math!

There will be times when a child is struggling with a concept or need motivation to complete their math studies.  I have used Saxon Math throughout my homeschool years.  Over the years, I have used multiple methods to help keep our kids moving through the process.  They work for...

Homeschooling: When is the best time to start the day?

Some of you may be wondering, “When is the best time to start my homeschooling day?” One of the best things about homeschooling is the flexibility that you have. So the fact is, it is up to you! If you are a morning person and your family is used...

Pure Moments Poems and Short Stories From a Woman’s Heart – 5 star Review

Author’s new book receives a warm literary welcome. Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Poetry – Inspirational book “Pure Moments Poems and Short Stories from a Woman’s Heart” by Cheryl Bippus. Readers’ Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They...

The Best Food Allergy Resources

I thought it would be a helpful to share my favorite food allergy resources.  Hard to believe it has been 22 years since we began our journey with our daughter.  For more information on how that started, you can read my post at While she was growing up,...


A Mom… When you think about it we are the: Housekeeper Cook Gardener and groundskeeper In my case a Homeschool Teacher Nurse Chauffeur Purchaser Travel planner Guidance Counselor Finance Administrator Referee Decorator Photographer Distributor and sales Historical Recorder Planning and development     feel free to add your own…...

A Fabulous way to celebrate Advent!

If you are looking for a fun way to celebrate the Advent season with your family without the hustle and bustle, these books are a wonderful way to do that! Let the adventure begin by reading a chapter of the story each day during the Advent season!

How I Became a Food Allergy Mom

It all began when our family was attending a party during the summer.  My daughter was just prior to a year old.  She was transitioning from baby food to regular food.  During the gathering, we treated her by giving her a cookie after her meal.  I also had a...

Diaper Rash…What worked for us!

Most every baby may have diaper rash at one point or another.  My first child had it very bad. Here I am, a new mother trying to heal my poor baby’s bottom.  I was nursing, so I made sure I wasn’t eating foods with high acidity and was trying...

Life lesson from a Little Red Wagon

This is a true story of a day in our life.  We had a well loved little red wagon for many years that I would pull my three children in.  It was a lot of fun.  It was the kind of wagon with the wooden sides that come off...