Category: At Home

The Box – The Lord is faithful in all He does

It is good to have goals. They give us motivation and direction. They give us a sense of accomplishment when attained and improve our lives. However, sometimes it is a good idea to reevaluate them. Especially, if these goals were made a long time ago. They may become more...

What Legacy will you leave?

I was taking my children for a walk and a lady saw us and asked if we would like some rhubarb. I said, “Sure, that would be wonderful!” She was happy to give it to us and we were grateful for her kind gesture.  I told her “My husband...

Want to be able to focus? Declutter your home!

MY DISCOVERY It was a few years ago when my family took a trip to Florida during the winter.  I told my husband when we left, “I am having a hard time focusing. I hope this trip helps me to refresh so I will be able to focus better...

Seven ways to Refresh and Rejuvenate for Mom’s

Hey moms, we all have had days where we need to refresh.  Let’s face it we work 24/7.   We get tired, drained, and cranky if we don’t take care of ourselves.  Husband’s this may help for some great ideas for Mother’s day or birthdays.  Hint Hint… Moms please find...

Create Peace in your Home

I have had people come over and say “Wow, your home is so quiet.” I guess their homes are not so much.  Which may be how they like it. Personally, I like a quiet home. I can focus so much more with peace and quiet.  My children focus better...

The Best Banana Bread

I have tried many banana bread recipes over the years, but they are never as good and I always come back to this one. It has become a family favorite. It is also very easy to make. I hope you enjoy this easy, moist, cake-like, and...


A Mom… When you think about it we are the: Housekeeper Cook Gardener and groundskeeper In my case a Homeschool Teacher Nurse Chauffeur Purchaser Travel planner Guidance Counselor Finance Administrator Referee Decorator Photographer Distributor and sales Historical Recorder Planning and development     feel free to add your own…...

One of my simple pleasures at home in the Summertime!

My family was invited to visit my sister in Florida one winter. I love the warm weather and was happy to take her up on this offer.  I went with my three children.  It was so nice to get away.  As a homeschool family, we don’t usually take a...

Gardening tips and tools

Robins are out and about! Blooms are budding! I am getting excited about working in the garden and landscape. I enjoy preparing the soil and uncovering the perennial plants as they come back to life after being dormant all winter. The plants start fresh every spring!  Spring reminds me...

Good Morning Chai tea…

A lot of people like to drink coffee in the morning.  I have more of a sweet tooth and don’t like the bitter taste of coffee.  I like Chai tea. I like to drink it cold with ice on summer afternoons.  But most of all, I enjoy having a...

How I Became a Food Allergy Mom

It all began when our family was attending a party during the summer.  My daughter was just prior to a year old.  She was transitioning from baby food to regular food.  During the gathering, we treated her by giving her a cookie after her meal.  I also had a...